The beginning of
the aventure
Created in 2015, Kupela was born with the desire to introduce Basque cider, with an original and modern recipe while preserving tradition.
To elaborate our Sagardoa, we called on Agustín Etxeberria, cider maker in Astigarraga, the “mecca” of Basque cider, next to Donostia-San Sebastián.
The slow natural fermentation of the apple must transforms the sugars into alcohol, in barrels called Kupela in Basque.
Agustín’s know-how results in fresh, low-alcohol drinks that preserve the naturally tart flavours of Basque apples.
of Sagardoa
Kupela pays tribute to the Basque sailors who used to take barrels of cider, rich in vitamin C, to fight scurvy.
Nowadays, there is no scurvy to worry about, but the subtle flavours of apple wine are sought after by discerning gourmets.
Its acidity, lightness and fruitiness are a perfect match for the gastronomy appreciated by modern epicureans.
The authenticity
of the basque apple
The humid and temperate climate of the Basque Country is naturally favourable to the cultivation of apples.
This fruit has had a central place on Basque tables since the dawn of time. The apples are selected when fully ripe, in the orchards surrounding the village of Astigarraga.
Sagardoa is obtained by fermentation, without the addition of sugar, water or any other additive. Thanks to the know-how of our cider makers, Kupela Sagardoa is distinguished by its strong character, balanced flavours and notes of fresh sour apple.
The Kupela
An incomparable beverage with a strong aroma of fresh apples, Kupela Sagardoa pays tribute to the history and gastronomy of the Basque Country.
Produced here for generations, Sagardoa, meaning apple wine, is very different from Norman cider.
It is the drink of choice for tapas and pintxo evenings, and has its place on the best tables in the Basque Country.
Pintxo & Apple Wine,
the perfect match
In the Basque Country, especially in the narrow streets of the old quarter of Donostia (San Sebastian), at the end of the day the bars and taverns fill up with a diverse crowd.
Friends, families, neighbours, colleagues and tourists come to eat some pintxo and have a drink.
More than wine, more than beer, the emblematic drink of this social moment is apple wine, served at arm’s length in large typical glasses. Its lightness and fine fruity flavours are a perfect match for the concentrated flavours of pintxo. Its slight acidity clears the palate and prepares it for the next bite.

Quality natural drinks made from fresh local apples

Thanks to the unique know-how of a traditional and ancestral method

The Kupela range brings a new dynamic to the Basque elixir with original and modern recipes